❤️ Click here: White women shouldnt date black men fliers
Even the Ivy League Universities now drink the Kool-Aid and are basically compromised. Racist fliers have appeared on the campus of Southern Methodist University urging white women not to date black men.
She says that her intentions behind making the fliers are completely positive. The Morning News also noted that the printed fliers at SMU mentioned the website for Radix Journal, which is edited by white nationalist Richard Spencer. These are core values and guiding principles that will help us as we strive to live up to our highest ideals.
loading - Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, is one of the most recent to be affected by racism after fliers were found on campus urging White women to refrain from dating Black men, according to the.
Quote: The Southern Methodist University in Dallas is the latest college campus to be hit with racist propaganda, this time in the form of fliers warning white women not to date black men. Two of the fliers were discovered in stairwells in a residence hall on Sunday. You could have said the exact same thing, but instead of anti-Whites screaming at you, you could have them applauding you. Because Black Women Need A Man Too. You could have said the exact same thing, but instead of anti-Whites screaming at you, you could have them applauding you. Because Black Women Need A Man Too. There is no reason to run anti-anything propaganda flat out, it should be subliminally imprinted. Just as whites have been subliminally forced to believe the holohoax, integration, and now miscongenation and faggotry. This highlights the great weakness of the Left--that they're entire Weltanschauung is merely a fashion statement, and, like hula-hoops and sack dresses will be all the rage for a short time and then gone without a trace. SMU, by the way, was at the vanguard of crazy leftwing ideas from the early '70s at least--perhaps earlier. I don't know where young people who are college bound need to go today, but it doesn't seem as though schools in the United States are a good bet. Even the Ivy League Universities now drink the Kool-Aid and are basically compromised. From Waaay Out West, ~HLM.
Why White Women Shouldn't' Date Black Men...
Even if they aren't a student approved group that's not okay. The flier also responsible domestic abuse stories that involved African-American men and White women. Southern Methodist University is currently investigating the incident. Other schools that have dealt with racist propaganda recently include the University of Michigan and the University of Oklahoma. Â Targeted attacks against groups of people serve only to tear anon our university community. While the schools says they removed the flyers, students are still expressing outrage over their initial presence. I don't know where young people who are college bound need to go today, but it doesn't seem as though schools in the United States are a si bet. Parents of an African-American student sued San Antonio Christian Schools on Oct. I'm going to just go ahead and say it. The fliers were found Sunday and include hateful arguments against interracial dating.